This is so like a kid I know...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Elmo's Last Stand
This is wrong in so many ways but you just can't stop watching.....
He keeps going and going...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I Can't Wait!!!!!
The movie is being shot in NY right now..I am super excited...this is one of my fav scenes....Charlotte finally gets her prince...
Didn't You
I cracked up in this scene from the best Eighties movie ever..Sixteen Candles..It was just tooooo real. It was like director John Hughes went to the same school I went to. If you ever hated riding the school bus with that distinctive odor of wet dog and old bologna...leave me a comment
Been To Any Good Parties Lately
I remember the days where we were all running out the back door as fast as the cops were coming in the front door. I have been to parties where you can feel the floor boards actually moving from there being so many people in the house....oh the good old days..
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My One True Love
I am head over heels in love with this guy. I know it sounds like a silly school girl crush....or maybe its a mid life thing..who knows. What ever you call it.he gets me hot hot hot..I adore Salman Khan.I have seen everyone of his movies. You know what they say about a man who can dance like that...I don't blame these girls..if he was my neighbour I would be acting like that toooooooooooo.
My Bollywood Summer

I met a man in Toronto who got me totally addicted to Bollywood movies. I have a real collection going now. I spent some time this summer researching a few facts on India and studying some of their 18 different languages. I am hooked....and India has now been add to the list of places I must see. Just a little playing around with the old saying..When In Rome...
Musical Journey Around The World
I Love Bhangra love of all things Indian....and my love of music from anywhere and everywhere..
My Fav Video Of The Eighties
E.G Daily's.. Say It Say It...this is a great twist on a classic movie with Shelly Winters called Lolita. E.G or Elizabeth was in the movies Valley Girl and Pee Wee's Play House and later became the voice of Tommy Pickles of the Rugrats. I love her voice and the way she sings this song
Yum, More Useless Information

One Great Artist
One of her latest.....I love Lauri Blanks work. Its funny I found this one today and it reminded me of one I did a few years back. You can't compare them but it got me wondering who did this first...

Check out her other work at you won't be sorry.
My Dream
This was created at my dream school..Vancouver Film School. I still haven't made it there and kids got in the way..although I did the tour....its a full time commitment..There is still never know, I 'm not dead yet!
A True Classic...
Oh that Bugs..out smarted Elmer every time....perfectly timed to the music..pure genius
I Adore Her Books....
Madonna Is A Bad Girl
Who doesn't love or hate Madonna. She has her hand in everything, music, writting, acting, fashion. I love how shes always pushing the limits.Shes a true icon and a brilliant business women. This video wasn't seen as much as others so you it may not be familiar....and that Christopher Walken, sexy in a weird off beat way.
Oh Those Russians
I love things unusual and music from different places. This is one brilliantly messed video...and a catchy tune. Translated this song means Bat. Song by PHILIP KIRKOROV a pop singer in Russia.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Kate Bush...Forever A Story Teller
Her video's are quirky, fun and always tell a story. I love her voice...shes has so many ranges. She puts her own twist on classic Donald Sutherland is sexy and not hard to watch.
Remember When Videos Told A Story
In its day this video was ahead of everyone and we were hooked. Hardly any dancing and midriff tops but sold people on the he was so damn cute.